Building Worship Musicians: From Scratch

In 2007 God birthed a new vision for developing worship musicians from scratch. The reality began in Kingston Jamaica in 2006 at my home church where I grew up in the seventies. It then grew into a full fledged worship band camp experience with seventy baby musicians from 17 different churches across Jamaica. Four camps and three retreats later, and today there are now worship bands and worship leaders for a movement of churches throughout the region.

Fast forward to 2015 and the first of those band camps happened here in the USA. Starting with forty kids in Greensboro in a church that had only three student musicians, God birthed a love for worship leading through music in the hearts of these young men and women. Four band camps later, there are worship leading musicians from those camps in seven churches in the Triad area, and a system of development that includes over twenty student musicians in the pilot church.

Interested in hosting a Starting Point Band Camp in your area? Want to join our training team for future trips and camps? Let’s talk!


June TBA - Raleigh, NC.